Exclusion clauses: When does an insurer have to defend?
The Supreme Court of British Columbia clarifies the scope of social host liability in McCormick vs Plambeck
The Court of Appeal of Alberta upholds a territorial limitation provision to deny coverage
In litigation, the show must go on
Voiding fire insurance policies due to a material change in risk: the required knowledge of the insured and the insurer’s role in imparting that knowledge
Primer on the duty to defend in Burnaby (City) v Intact Insurance Company
Alberta Court of Appeal applies Ledcor framework for builders’ all-risk policy to other “all-risk” policies
When intoxication alone is not enough to prove incapability: Denying Section C physical damage coverage in Alberta
Part 4: Business interruption coverage: Avoiding tunnel vision and looking at the big picture
Part 3: Business interruption considerations in professional liability insurance (Canada)
Part 2: Business interruption: Key areas of risk for Director and Officer (D&O) liability
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